So Many Faces

So many faces

pass us every day

with beady eyes and marble expressions

we look at one another

but our eyes graze past

we draw the blinds, can’t see

the loss, the pain

the hope, the shame

the nuances in expression

little holes in the facade

cowering behind our fortresses–

no one has the will to knock them down.

So many faces,

with beating hearts

and pulsing veins

with endless light,

and endless pain.

Blood is thicker than water they say

yet as it trickles down your wrist

its fickleness insists

to be noticed.

Mind the gap

between platform and train,

platform and train?

or people and pain?

Sinning and gain.

The rain trickles down their faces

so many faces

the dark, reflective prints

left on the floor…a

Colossal Chaos of Stories.

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