Fucking Fucked Fuckery…. The Swear Jar

There once was a girl who worked for a charity,

they all got along so it was just a travesty,

when the boss had decided to put in a motherfucking swear jar.

Now this girl had had no problem with that,

except for the fact…

it took away the ease and comfort,

and didn’t even fund a communal fucking benefit.

The money would go towards a big fucking white board,

instead of ice cream, beer or anything of the sort.

So this girl staged her protest, which was fucking silent,

because no matter how she saw it she couldn’t abide it.

They called her cheap and stingy and such,

but for a girl with no income, enough was enough

If she was to drop coins into a jar,

it would be for something that would probably involve a bar.

So disappointed and maddened she showed her game face

and vowed to place her rage into cyberspace,

because a rage is a rage, no matter how small,

and this blog is a blog that had already met its downfall.